It Gets Even Better

She calls herself virtual-lady and when I popped into her channel to see if she had any pics in her profile I could use to write this she happened to be online again. She has a few pics and I grabbed this one and as you can see she is very sexy, yet none of the pics had a patch on how hot she actually is live.

How many people can say that? That the pics on their profile, or social media doesn’t do justice to how they actually look. Not many of us I bet since it’s always the other way ’round. We always use pics that caught us in great light or whatever.

Women are famous for this. They always have these arty-farty pics or very popularly black and white pics on their profiles. If you want to find out just how distinctly different a woman can actually look compared to how she portrayed herself in a profile then try a dating site. It’s like meeting an entirely different person and you are always disappointed.

Anyways, wanna try some virtual sex with virtual-lady?

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